You’ve Got to Follow Goldman Sachs Opinion on Baidu

In a previous post that I discussed whether technical analysis worked in stock trading I mentioned that Baidu’s price was going up simply because its price target was raised by Goldman Sachs. Looking at Baidu’s price now it stands at $304. If I brought its shares at that time I should have made good profit buy now. I didn’t buy it because Baidu share was too expensive and I can not follow my guidelines if I trade Baidu’s share and it happened that I was considering whether I was wrong not following guidelines. Because of the hesitation I missed an obvious earning opportunity.

Goldman Sachs was the major underwriter helping Baidu go public five years ago. Its opinion has been a major driving force behind the ups and downs of this stock. Next earning will be big because it is a good chance for the analyst to play a big game. Baidu’s valuation at this level is supper high compare to many other stocks. If Baidu miss analyst expectation it can trigger a streak of downgrades and Baidu’s price could be pushed back to $220 level. If they beat expectation the stock may go up a bit say 10% to around $330 and still analyst other than Goldman Sachs will downgrade it using the excuse of high evaluation. I am thinking may be I should watch out for any shorting opportunity after the next earning report.

There is still a long way to go though.


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