Market was Neverous About Alcoa Earning and so was I

Today is a perfect trading day for day traders. It is perfect because it has multiple ups and downs and that is what a trader is looking for. If a trader can master all this ups and downs then great profit can be made. But I didn’t make much profit. The market was very nervous about Alcoa’s earning and I was very nervous about it too. My nervousness made me avoid two short attacks on BAC. I bought 1000 shares of BAC at $11.95 and sold them at $11.98. I later bought 1000 shares of BAC again at $11.78 and sold them at $11.84. This two trades only net me $30 in total. I sensed the nervousness when I sold them but I dare not to take the short side. My nervousness also make me miss the big run up close to the end of the trading day. I didn’t regret for not taking the short side but I regret for not buying into BAC again when it drop below $11.50. I sold DRYS (Dry Ship) for a profit and I trade on PCX(Patriot Coal) to make some profit too. At the end of the day I still hold 800 shares of PCX and my account is up $134.61. Not a lot but I feel good that I was able to avoid a loss on trading BAC

Stock Transaction 2009/07/08

Stock Transaction 2009/07/08

Account Balance 20090708

Account Balance 20090708

Bac Stock Graph 2009/07/08

BAC Graph - Shows where the two BAC trades were taken

Account Balance Changes: +$134.61


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