Trade For Blogging Purpose

I shorted BAC again and made a small profit. In my previous post I was asked why I dump BAC with such a small change in price. The question really make me think a lot whether it worth while to trade in and out so often. I don’t know. I don’t find I am comfortable to hold anything.

I didn’t think it worth while to hold long position on BAC. The market is already up a lot. After this earning season I think we will see profit taking. I don’t see much excuse for the market to pump BAC with its unclear earning picture. In other words I feel BAC will have more bad news coming then good ones. How about the short side? Hold a shorted BAC position for a couple of weeks. I don’t want to hold short position either because I feel uneasy holding a short position especially after I missed a better short entry point above $13. But my reasoning keeps telling me that I may see BAC touching $11 soon. Please convince me if you think I am wrong.

It was like I traded this few days for blogging purpose so that I had somthing to talk about here. It should’ve been the other way around. I blog for better trading. I am searching for some kind of confidence that I had before and I still didn’t find it back. I have no confidence in holding anything.

Anyway Wells Fargo is going to report earning tomorrow before market open. It will be the focus of the financial sector tomorrow.

Account Balance 2009/07/21

Account Balance 2009/07/21

Transaction 2009/07/21

Transaction 2009/07/21

Account Balance Changes: +89.80


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