Again Never Underestimate the Tie Between Oil and Energy Stocks

Yesterday I kept my 800 shares of PCX (patriot coal) in hope that it would rebound when oil price rebound. In early today there was report that oil price was held stead above $60 a barrel and PCX was up at around $5.45 not long after market open. The DOW was up 40 some points at the time. I thought that was it and the rebound of PCX was disappointed to me. I was eager to find a chance to sell PCX. I sold it at $5.47 early in the morning. Looked at how it closes. PCX was at $5.63 and the Dow was only up 5 points. So once again don’t under estimate the tie between oil price and energy stocks. Energy stock can be affected by oil price more then by the general market. So this is a bad move I made today. I brought these 800 shares at $5.76 a couple days ago.

I did make a good move. I bought some Bidu (Baidu) puts and sold them later net about $120. So my total gain today is about $250. Not a lot but my account is back above my initial capital of $30,000. I have learned to be happy with small gains and I love this thinking “Go slow. Preserve capital. Learn the fundamentals. Achieve consistency”

Account Balance 2009/07/09

Account Balance 2009/07/09

Stock Trades 2009/07/09

Stock Trades 2009/07/09

I feel the overall sentiment of the market is still bearish. The market is waiting to see how the financial sector was doing in second quarter and is very cautionary. I bet the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index tomorrow will not have a good reading since unemployment rate is still going high. And I feel good holding only cash.

Account Balance Changes: +$259.67


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