Stock Market is a Box of Chocolate You Never Know What You Are Going to Get

Stock market is just as life. It is a box of Chocolate you never know what you are going to get. It makes you feel surprising, fulfilling, stock market is a box of chocolateexciting and happy at some time and makes you feel lost, sad, miserable and angry at another time. Its ups and downs are like the ups and downs in life. The differences are you can experience it all in a few days with the stock market.

Right after I created a “learn from the past” category for my trading. I made another mistake following one of those lessons I learned: Trading Out of Discipline and not Knowing How to Stop Caused Big Lost. Well I didn’t completely follow the lesson though. I still trade out of my discipline but I did KOWN HOW TO STOP and I stopped it too early.

As you know in my previous post I Had a Short Squeeze First Time in My Life I lost on a trade that I should have make money on. CCO is currently trading at $5.18. I shorted it 2000 shares at $5.60 but covered it too early at $5.87. I would have made $800 on that trade if I don’t follow my lesson learned. But I was holding other position and because of that I was a little bit scare.

After a few months of trading my account balance is not going anywhere. It was up to around $43,000 before I started this Blog from around $30,000 in a little more than a month and now it went back to where it was before I start day trading.

What do you think my balance is going to be down the road say half a year or 3 years from now? Going to zero? Going to double, triple? Take a guess here if you like and there may be interesting finding by the time when we look back.


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