I Got Email Comments

I just got a comment in my mail box. I am glad that I frequently get positive comments regarding this blog not long after I started it. I wish the commentator good luck. Please don’t be offended because I quoted your lines here.

I like reading your blog, keep it up please! I am day trader like you and, boy, most of your trades is basically a copy of what I do :-) I lost big on WFC, won little on BOF but lost it all and 10 times more, so decided to leave bank stocks alone. Switch to Scottrade if you want to save on commission, they charge $7 over $10 at TD Ameritrade. And Scottrade is lightning fast compared to Etrade or TD. The downside is Scottrade often doesn’t have shares available for shorting so I keep Etrade account for short positions.

I am pleased when I read honest opinion and one of the motive that I started this blog is that I want to see honest opinion instead of reading most of the craps on Yahoo stock message board. I wish to build a community for stock traders for any experience level so that we can we can share analytical thoughts, train each other and share the joy of gain and the pain of lost honestly. One of the purposes of the blog is to promote discipline in trades for me and defying my gambling mind. But I believe it will apply to all traders and investors as well. Discipline is key.


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