Trader’s Mind is Full of Dilemma – My Thought Gone Wild With Bank of America

It was a wild ride today with Bank of America. This was the day I felt would definitely come and this was the day I was expecting for when I bought into Bank of America. Unfortunately I missed it and I missed it too hard. If you were following me you know that I brought 1000 shares of Bank of America yesterday at $12.06. I mentioned that I felt the upside momentum of this stock. But I sold it too early this morning at $12.23. After I sold it I quickly jumped into a short position at $12.43 and later increased my short position at $12.58. For the rest of the day I was carrying 2000 shares of shorted BAC and watching my account balance going down when BAC price was skyrocketing

Thoughts About Taking Suggestion:
All kind of wild thoughts came into my mind with the wild ride of Bank of America. I thought I shouldn’t have got up so early. If I gave myself more time to sleep I could end up making a profit and at the same time I could have a better sleep. Too bad I followed Rpena’s suggestion. =) However when I sold my shares too early I thought it was too bad that I didn’t follow Rpena’s suggestion. If I took the suggestion I wouldn’t take the short side today and ended up with a lost.

There were three reasons that I chose to sell for a small profit. First, BAC didn’t react well to the upgrade in pre-market. Its price just went up a little in pre-market and I thought that was it. Second Repena reminded me there was a 30 year Treasury bill auction today and I thought it was not going to be good. Again it was Rpena’s fault. =) Thirdly I felt I should follow my guidelines. Of course I know I shouldn’t blame anyone for the action I decided to take. I felt I wasn’t a mature trader and Rpena is far more experience than me.

Thoughts About Recouping Lost:
My wild thought went on and I found today’s Bank of America was very much like Wells Fargo on the day when I lost $10,000 trading it. That was the day after the government announced the stress test results and Well Fargo announced its secondary offering to raise capital at $22 a share. I increased my short position two times on Wells Fargo on that day causing me a big lost. Today I dare not to increase my short position on BAC for the third time. In fact when Bank of America’s price jump to $13.19 I was about to click the button to insert an order to short 2000 more shares but I didn’t when I thought about the Wells Fargo trade. Later on I regretted I didn’t do it when I saw BAC closed under $13.

My thoughts went on about selling 100 contracts of BAC June 12 Put at 0.22 to recoup my lost today. That was only 100*100*0.22=$2,200 involved. But what if BAC price drop under $12 next week say to $11.50? I could lose more than $5,000. So I sold 20 contracts instead. That helped a little bit.

Thoughts About Lesson Learned:
Now I am pondering whether there are some lessons I learn today? I really don’t know. Because I found the lessons I learned are seemingly more and more contradicted with each other. I thought one lesson I learned out of today could be that I acted too early in the trading session. I should’ve waited to act till the latest market hour. But this was not always valid though. I was thinking about this post, “I Have Got to Treasure Selling Opportunity”, in which I could make money if I acted early.

Another lesson learned could be I got up too early and I should just take it easy and have a good sleep. I am not sure if that was a good lesson. The third lesson I thought about is not to panic and close a lost postion in a hurry and wait at least three trading days before you throw towel. I actually wanted to write about this for a while but not sure if that was a good one. From my past lost experience if I were able to hold the losing position long enough say three days I could at least see an opportunity to close it without lost. I found that was right for my previous two big losts.

  1. Trading Out of Discipline and not Knowing How to Stop Caused Big Lost and
  2. Wells Fargo Is Over Valued at $25.70

I am not sure if this is going to be right this time. Anyway we will see if BAC can get down to $12.50 in a couple days which was my average.

Another lesson which should be positively right. Life is much better on the long side. This is the third time I lost big on taking a short position and I want o highlight this. I should be very very careful about the entry point when taking a short position

Account Balance 20090611

I lost about $400 for the day and am holding USB and BAC puts and 2000 share of shorted BAC at the moment. The lost on shorting BAC is more than $10,00 but off set by the gain on the USB and BAC puts and gain on previous long position on BAC

Account Balance Change: -$405.85


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