Shame About the Banks and Government

Now it became crystal clear where those strong buys and upgrades come about. Bank of America issue 800 million new shares at $10 after the market close today. I guess they dare not to announce the offering the same day as the upgrade otherwise is will too obvious. Too bad the housing data give the bank share a big blow. Otherwise BAC shares could be manipulated well above $13.

I was angry because the rule of the game is never fair for small investor like me. I felt being played and cheated almost ten thousand dollar by those market manipulators. I feel shame of the government and the banks. The whole stress test, the spin on Bank of America’s capital short fall, the strong buys and the upgrades on Wells Fargo and BOAC are totally scam only to entice investors’ money. And they are even spinning on repaying the TRAP will hurt taxpayer. That is bull shit.

I have learned a big lesson out of it. Out of the angry I shorted Bank of America 2000 shares after market at $11.19 and $11.32 and cover all of them it at $11. My balance went up about $500 more. But it is no comparison to my ten thousand dollar lost.


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