Bank of America Earning Forecast and Financial Statement Analysis

Last quarter Bank of America earned 4.2 billion. That was before paying 1.4 billion prefer stock dividend including 0.4 billion paid to the US government. After paying prefer dividend earning was 2.8 Billion. Diluted earning per share was $0.44. There were about 6.4 billion common shares outstanding last quarter.

In second quarter there were about 1.45 billion new shares issued as a result of secondary offering and prefer to common share conversion. Suppose second quarter earning is the same as the first quarter diluted earning per share will be $0.36 with 7.85 billion common shares outstanding. That is P/E at 8.8 with current price at $12.60. It should be cheap and it worth to buy if Bank of America can generate 2.8 billion profit every quarter going forward. The Question is whether the earning shown in first quarter is sustainable. If the earning is sustainable given a P/E of 13 BAC should worth $18.72.

Prefer Share Dividend:
News was just released that BAC paid 0.7 billion dividend to government that was more than the 0.4 billion in first quarter. But this quarter BAC has less prefer shares so I expect there is no substantial change on prefer dividend payout.

Gain on Sale of Asset:
Gain on sale of China Construction Bank stake this quarter is expected to be 2 billion and it is about the same as last quarter.

Given the same earning for the rest of Bank of America’s operation lets consider three major factors that may cause major earning change: FDIC charges, marking to market value of Merrill lynch debt, and provision of loan loss.

FDIC Charges:
I remember JPM has 0.7 billion charged by FDIC and I believe BAC will be charged by around the same amount.

Marking to Market Change of Merrill Lynch Debt:
First quarter’s earning included gain of $2.2 billion pre-tax FVO positive adjustment on Merrill Lynch structured notes. That was because the marking to market adjustment on values of Merrill Lynch debt at a time when the debt was traded at substantial discount because our financial system was on the verge of collapse. This quarter the value of this debt will not go down so the 2.2 billions of gain will disappear. In fact the value of Merrill Lynch debt will be trading higher because the system is stabilized. That will incur a marking to market loss. Citi Group analyst Keith Horowitz predicted that loss is amount to 2 billion. So this single factor can cause Bank of America’s earning in second quarter 4 billions lower than the first quarter.

Provision of Loan Loss:
This is where Bank of America can do the trick. Last quarter loan loss provision was 13 billions. Many analysts believe that wasn’t enough. With unemployment rate higher and credit quality continue to deteriorate I expect provision for loan loss will increase. Let’s say increase by 5%. That is 0.65 billion.

So Bank of America’s second quarter earning is expected to be 5.35 (0.7 + 4 + 0.65) billions lower then the first quarter. And it will turn into 4.2 – 5.35 = -1.15 billion loss. That is -$0.12 per share with 7.85 billion common shares. You may think the expectation of loss is already built into current price.

So what is Bank of America’s earning beyond second quarter? FDIC charge shouldn’t be there and it shouldn’t be a factor in the third quarter. Suppose Merrill Lynch debt value will not change then 2 billions of gain is not there but there won’t be 2 billions of loss either so third quarter earning should be 2 billions lower compare to the first quarter given everything else not mentioned here is the same. That is 2.8 - 2 = 0.8 billion for common share. But again loan loss provision is the focus. Loan loss provision jumped from 8.5 billions in Q4 2008 to 13.4 billions in Q1 2009. It could go down or go up several billions depends on the economy and BAC’s earning can fluctuate in a wide range. I am not optimistic. US Bank executives mentioned that it will build up loan loss reserve for the rest of the year. I believe BAC needs to do so either. And that means loan loss provision will continue to increase even though Keith Horowitz predicted loan loss provision will be peak in second quarter. If that is the case BAC might be making zero profit for the rest of the year.

Fundamentally I don’t see stock price should appreciate but I believe BAC price will fluctuate between $9 and $15 base on outlook of the economy and how Bank of America report its loan loss provision going forward.

If loan loss provision trends down starting from Q3 then Bank of America may be able to generate 2.8 billions of profit quarter after quarter for at least 1 or 2 years. The number can be bigger if the other earning sources of Bank of America improve gradually. Looks like it all depends on the overall economy and Bank of America will have a beta higher then its peers meaning its earning and stock price will fluctuate in a wide range.

I feel I am a bit clear about what the market is going to go after writting this post. I feel the market recently turn bearish and worry about credit quality. I believe the finanical sector will pull the over all market lower after they report second quarter earning. Just my opinion we will probably see the DOW lower than 8000 in the comming weeks. Again credit quality and loan loss is the determining factors.



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