Cash is King But I Can not Withstand the Temptation

Last night when future was down more then 80 points I was expecting the stock market to drop at least 100 points at close today. So I took profit when I saw opportunity. I sold BEAT and USB at a profit. I traded on FAS but lost a little bit. At market close when I saw the DOW was up 40 some points and some of the hard hit stocks didn’t bounce back I couldn’t withstand the temptation and bought a couple of them. I bought PCX (Patriot Coal) and DRYS (Dry Ship). I think if the DOW tomorrow can remain unchanged or up a little then PCX and DRYS may rebound nicely. I didn’t buy a lot though. I am still bearish on the market with the earning season coming. The following are the transactions today.

Transactions 20090706

Transactions 20090706

My account was up about $100 at closing price. I believe at some point tomorrow I will have the opportunity to sell all my position to make a profit and my account can be up above $30,000 which was my initial capital.

Account Balance 20090706

Account Balance 20090706

Today I focus on a couple news related to Bank of America. First is “BofA’s bad loans up 10% in 2Q”. I think this is the news that caused BAC tanked today. Second is “Whitney’s New Take On Modified Loans”. Meredith Whitney thinks that with the held of regulation and government incentive loan modification will soar and that will lower loan loss reserve which will benefit banks in near term. I don’t know how this two factors will play out in Bank of America’s second quarter income. I remain cautionary on Bank stocks. Bank of America ever dropped below $12 this morning and quickly bounce back. I was busy on something else and didn’t get this opportunity.

Account Balance Changes: +$118.29


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