I Have Got Harsh Comments From CAP

I haven’t update the stock traders blog for a while because I was busy. I took a look today and I found someone name CAP posted some really harsh comments. I deleted most of them. Sorry about that CAP! I hope it is not because CAP Account balance 2009/08/18followed some of my trades and lost money on them. The information on my blog can not serve as investment or trading advice by any means.

I was wrong on many of my trading positions taken lately. Especially the put position on Baidu. I sold one contract of Baidu Put and I am still holding it. As I mentioned before Baidu likes to follow its home market, the Chinese stock market. At this time PST 1:47 AM 2008-08-19 the Chinese stock market dropped some 5%. Seems to me the US market will be ugly when it open later today. In fact US future already dropped almost 100 points. If Baidu drop 5% today it will be below $320, the strike price of my Puts. There is a very high chance that I will lost money on the Puts. I will know this weekend. I added another stock to my portfolio though. That is Monlia Healthcare(MOH). I bought it at $19.95, 100 shares. And I am losing money on that again. CAP said I almost lost money on every trades and can’t believe I am holding an MBA. That’s almost true.

Indeed I wasted a lot money getting my MBA. If I didn’t take it I would have saved a lot of tuition. If I didn’t take it I wouldn’t trade stocks and I wouldn’t lost $70K. Do I regret taking it? I don’t think so. I might have gain something not in monetary terms while I lost this money. At least I felt OK that I still survive after this kind of lost.


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