Baidu Option Went Well and I Saw a War Between CSKI Management and Professional Short Seller

My Baidu put option went well finally. Account balance 2009/08/23 I collected the $420 option premium. In my previous post I mentioned I sold a contact of Baidu Aug 320 Put. The market took a deep a few days ago. I thought the put would end up in the money and I would be forced to buy Baidu at $320. I didn’t mind if that happen though. But magically on expiration day which was the passed Friday Baidu closed at $344, a price very closed to its option pain. Seems to me the option pain theory has some credibility. It is the second time I sold put and it is the second time I saw stock price closed near option pain on expiration day. Baidu’s September option pain is $300. Does that mean institution traders are bearish on Baidu? I really want to fine out next month.

I believe CSKI is under value and I did some research on the stock to find out what was holding back this company. I found there was a so called professional short seller spreading news that he had reason to believe CSKI management was providing incorrect financial information. He even has a web site to tell his story I don’t know whether I should believe this rumor. Maybe the short seller used to be a potential investor on CSKI but got opt out and felt pissed off. That is wild a guess and I hope that is the case. CSKI has to proof to all investor that the short seller is wrong. I feel there is a war between CSKI’s management and the professional short seller. I am still holding CSKI and of course I hope CSKI management will win the war at the end.


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