Can I Be All in Selling Baidu Put

Once a while I have this crazy thoughts. I did not have too much crazy act though. Evey time I act crazy I got burned. I mentioned I ever short 300shares of Well Fargo using margin capital almost 2 times of what I had in my account. Today I had a crazy thought again. I thought about using all the cash in my account selling Baidu August 320 Put. I really don’t think that Baidu will go back to $320 a share by August 22nd. If it does I believe it will create a buying opportunity. That is why I want to sell Baidu August 320 Put. At the end I only sold 1 contract for $420. I ever mentioned that selling put is a strategy to earning more than CDs rates if you have cash sitting idl. I still believe so. But we’ve got to be very careful picking the stock and option strike price when doing that.

After I sold Baidu put I saw my account requires me to remain $6,374 of cash. So if I want to be all in the maximum number of contract I can sell is 4 only. 4*420 = $1680. So if everything works out the all in strategy can net me $1680 by August 22nd. It looks like Baidu is not going back to $320 given the current market sentiment. But my experience told me it is very hard to predict. Market sentiment can have 180 degree change over night triggered by a single story. So I dare not to be all in. Anyhow I am holding two positions now. 500 shares of Fig (Fortrest investment group) and 1 contract of short Baid Put. The picture shows my balance.

As to Fortrest investment group. I feel it will reach 6 if the market remain positive. Blackstone drop a lot today and it seem to me it will go up tomorrow and so will Fortrest investment group. let’s see what happen tomorrow.


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