The Best Solution to End The Recession is Not Public Private Investment Program

PPIP is Evil:
The government thinks the solution to end the recession is the PPIP program (Public Private Investment Program). I hardly know the details of the program until I read the following article from More Leverage Won’t Solve Bank Mess. The more I understand the program the more upset I get. Look at the following details it is basically a program to shift the risk of the banks holding the toxic asset to taxpayers. It is indeed

“An example of banks trying to profit through financial engineering at taxpayer expense, because the government would subsidize the asset purchases.”

PPIP Details:

  • Banks will remove troubled assets from their balance sheets and receive a value determined by a bid/ask negotiation process with investors bidding and the banks asking.
  • The negotiated price will be paid from the following sources: 7.5% private investor, 7.5% government (taxpayer) funds, and 85% loan from the FDIC.
  • The FDIC loan is non-recourse. If the assets ultimately prove to be worth less than 85% of purchase price, the 15% of investor funds are wiped out and the FDIC will own the assets.
  • The FDIC, a government sponsored enterprise (GSE), will be bailed out by the government (taxpayer), if necessary.

The PPIP program should not be implemented without taxpayer’s approval because you can see that FDIC will become the trash can holding the toxic asset eventually and the government have to use taxpayer’s money to bail it out. I emphasize it needs taxpayer’s approval. I am hard working taxpayer for the pass 11 years and I still didn’t get the dame right to vote. That really makes me angry.

The logic behind the government’s PPIP program is that the banks will become more willing to lend once the toxic asset is removed from their books. Does that mean the government through the PPIP program encourages the banks to do the 100% finance based on stated income for home buyers again? Does it mean the government encourages people to buy 3 or 4 houses while in fact they only need one? Suppose the PPIP works and housing price is pushed upward over the next two years gradually to 2006 price level. The current toxic asset become very liquid and can be traded and change from one hand to another. Then what? Another mortgage crisis? Another trillions of new toxic asset created? It doesn’t need an MBA degree to know it doesn’t make sense

The Solutions:
Frankly I think the US economic cycle is a cycle of bubble creation. We have the housing bubble. Before that we have the internet bubble and before that we have the saving and loan bubble. We simply need to create the bubble somewhere else to draw people’s attention to it, to make them believe into it and make them act on it. Creating bubble in the same place is just not going to work because the memory of the public is longer then an economic cycle.

Where is the best place to create the bubble? I guess it could be green energy or it could be some innovating technology like the invention of television and telephone many years ago. The smart grid could be one. What if we can’t find a place to create a big enough bubble to expand the economy long enough? Well I think inflate the currency is the only solution. Warren Buffet said Well Fargo could earn its way through the recession. Why it can? Because Wells Fargo can borrow money at zero percent interest from the Fed and lend it out at 4 or 5 percent to you and me who want to buy a house. That has no difference then the Fed printing money and giving it to the banks. I think the Fed instead of giving money to the banks it should just give very one who want to buy a house the down payment. Why should the bank owners be benefited in the middle when the ultimate purpose is to help the home buyers? It just doesn’t make sense.

Baidu September Option Pain Raised Again

I brought and closed the 2 Baidu September put contract I was holding. I net about $400 hundred on that deal. I didn’t wait for it to expire because that was quite a return given the small amount of investment ($600) in a short period of time. I feel there may be chance for me to sell put again at a good price before the option expiration day. It is the third time I make money on trading options. Baidu’s September put options pain was raised again at $320 currently. Looks like traders are not as bearish on Baidu as they were at the end of last month.

account balance 2009/09/05

account balance 2009/09/05

My account balance is still short of my initial investment amount. But I am not eager to earn it back. I will just take it slowly. I feel comfortable with what I am holding and I think the day I recover my initial investment amount is not far. My focus recently is to get back to work. I really feel it is not easy to get a job nowadays. I feel the companies that are looking for people are pickier and they take it slowly. With 9.7% unemployment rate the companies that are hiring are sure to have a lot more choices than before.

I am not convinced that the recession is ended. I believe the problems of the banks are not over yet. I kind of think that the real estate market is better only because of the government’s incentive for first time buyers. Retail sales didn’t have major improvement. Further more I believe foreclosure will continue to raise as more option ARM reset occurs. I am maintaining a major portion of cash in my portfolio and waiting for opportunity.

Seems That Baidu is Able to Predict the Market Trend

I mentioned in my previous post that Baidu’s September option pain was $300. I checked it again and the option pain was higher a little bit at $310 at the moment. What Account Balance 2009/09/02would be your guess if you predict Baidu’s price movement without looking at the option pain a couple weeks ago when Baidu was about $340? I would probably think it would go up instead of retreating. Obviously option pain can really tell something. It can tell how institutional traders see a particular stock. If option volume on an issue is large enough option pain on that issue may be able to tell how institutional traders see the market overall.

I checked INTC and BAC September and October option pain. They are trending downward. They seem to tell the bearish sentiment of the market should be extended into October. However Baidu’s Oct option pain is at $330 which is higher than September’s. I am not sure if you agree or not but I have already convinced that option pain is a very good leading indicator on the underlined issue or even the overall market.

Anyway I didn’t trade for a while. I was busy looking for a new job. I add 200 shares of CSKI at $13.09 and I sold 2 contract of Baidu Sep 290 Put at $3. I was thinking if Oct Baidu option pain is $330 I wouldn’t mind to have it at $290 in the mid of September. There is $20 difference or about 9% difference between $290 and Sep option pain. I thought it could be safe. But again who knows. We will see how it goes.

Baidu Option Went Well and I Saw a War Between CSKI Management and Professional Short Seller

My Baidu put option went well finally. Account balance 2009/08/23 I collected the $420 option premium. In my previous post I mentioned I sold a contact of Baidu Aug 320 Put. The market took a deep a few days ago. I thought the put would end up in the money and I would be forced to buy Baidu at $320. I didn’t mind if that happen though. But magically on expiration day which was the passed Friday Baidu closed at $344, a price very closed to its option pain. Seems to me the option pain theory has some credibility. It is the second time I sold put and it is the second time I saw stock price closed near option pain on expiration day. Baidu’s September option pain is $300. Does that mean institution traders are bearish on Baidu? I really want to fine out next month.

I believe CSKI is under value and I did some research on the stock to find out what was holding back this company. I found there was a so called professional short seller spreading news that he had reason to believe CSKI management was providing incorrect financial information. He even has a web site to tell his story I don’t know whether I should believe this rumor. Maybe the short seller used to be a potential investor on CSKI but got opt out and felt pissed off. That is wild a guess and I hope that is the case. CSKI has to proof to all investor that the short seller is wrong. I feel there is a war between CSKI’s management and the professional short seller. I am still holding CSKI and of course I hope CSKI management will win the war at the end.

I Have Got Harsh Comments From CAP

I haven’t update the stock traders blog for a while because I was busy. I took a look today and I found someone name CAP posted some really harsh comments. I deleted most of them. Sorry about that CAP! I hope it is not because CAP Account balance 2009/08/18followed some of my trades and lost money on them. The information on my blog can not serve as investment or trading advice by any means.

I was wrong on many of my trading positions taken lately. Especially the put position on Baidu. I sold one contract of Baidu Put and I am still holding it. As I mentioned before Baidu likes to follow its home market, the Chinese stock market. At this time PST 1:47 AM 2008-08-19 the Chinese stock market dropped some 5%. Seems to me the US market will be ugly when it open later today. In fact US future already dropped almost 100 points. If Baidu drop 5% today it will be below $320, the strike price of my Puts. There is a very high chance that I will lost money on the Puts. I will know this weekend. I added another stock to my portfolio though. That is Monlia Healthcare(MOH). I bought it at $19.95, 100 shares. And I am losing money on that again. CAP said I almost lost money on every trades and can’t believe I am holding an MBA. That’s almost true.

Indeed I wasted a lot money getting my MBA. If I didn’t take it I would have saved a lot of tuition. If I didn’t take it I wouldn’t trade stocks and I wouldn’t lost $70K. Do I regret taking it? I don’t think so. I might have gain something not in monetary terms while I lost this money. At least I felt OK that I still survive after this kind of lost.

Under Valued Stock - CHINA SKY ONE MEDICL (CSKI)

It is very hard to find under valued stock nowadays but I came across a stock Account Balance 2009/08/12that I believe under valued based on its financial statements. The company I mentioned was CHINA SKY ONE MEDICL (CSKI). I found its business is simple and its operation and its book are very easy to understand not like those banks you don’t know what is true and what is not. I brought 200 shares of this stock today at $15 something and I am planning to hold it for a while. I sold my Fortress Investment holding at $5 today. I made about $350 on that stock.

As I mentioned I like CSKI because its business is simple and easy to understand. It produces and sells over-the-counter drugs in China. I went to its web site. It has a portfolio of over-the-counter drugs. So its sales are not relying on a single drugs and it has a pretty stable sales trend. More importantly it has a very healthy cash flow. It makes profit for the past four quarters and its trailing 12 month P/E was lower than 8. Forward P/E is a bit more than 6. Price to cash flow is less then 10. Net income grow was more than 30% for the past three years. I don’t think I can find a second company like this. It was under valued by all measure.

If you are reading this post I hope you can take a look at it and post what you think about it. Are you able to find any company comparable to this one? I am thinking about all in again. By the way I bought 500 shares Dry Ship again at $6.45 a couple days ago. Planning to hold it for a while too.

Can I Be All in Selling Baidu Put

Once a while I have this crazy thoughts. I did not have too much crazy act though. Evey time I act crazy I got burned. I mentioned I ever short 300shares of Well Fargo using margin capital almost 2 times of what I had in my account. Today I had a crazy thought again. I thought about using all the cash in my account selling Baidu August 320 Put. I really don’t think that Baidu will go back to $320 a share by August 22nd. If it does I believe it will create a buying opportunity. That is why I want to sell Baidu August 320 Put. At the end I only sold 1 contract for $420. I ever mentioned that selling put is a strategy to earning more than CDs rates if you have cash sitting idl. I still believe so. But we’ve got to be very careful picking the stock and option strike price when doing that.

After I sold Baidu put I saw my account requires me to remain $6,374 of cash. So if I want to be all in the maximum number of contract I can sell is 4 only. 4*420 = $1680. So if everything works out the all in strategy can net me $1680 by August 22nd. It looks like Baidu is not going back to $320 given the current market sentiment. But my experience told me it is very hard to predict. Market sentiment can have 180 degree change over night triggered by a single story. So I dare not to be all in. Anyhow I am holding two positions now. 500 shares of Fig (Fortrest investment group) and 1 contract of short Baid Put. The picture shows my balance.

As to Fortrest investment group. I feel it will reach 6 if the market remain positive. Blackstone drop a lot today and it seem to me it will go up tomorrow and so will Fortrest investment group. let’s see what happen tomorrow.