Baidu September Option Pain Raised Again

I brought and closed the 2 Baidu September put contract I was holding. I net about $400 hundred on that deal. I didn’t wait for it to expire because that was quite a return given the small amount of investment ($600) in a short period of time. I feel there may be chance for me to sell put again at a good price before the option expiration day. It is the third time I make money on trading options. Baidu’s September put options pain was raised again at $320 currently. Looks like traders are not as bearish on Baidu as they were at the end of last month.

account balance 2009/09/05

account balance 2009/09/05

My account balance is still short of my initial investment amount. But I am not eager to earn it back. I will just take it slowly. I feel comfortable with what I am holding and I think the day I recover my initial investment amount is not far. My focus recently is to get back to work. I really feel it is not easy to get a job nowadays. I feel the companies that are looking for people are pickier and they take it slowly. With 9.7% unemployment rate the companies that are hiring are sure to have a lot more choices than before.

I am not convinced that the recession is ended. I believe the problems of the banks are not over yet. I kind of think that the real estate market is better only because of the government’s incentive for first time buyers. Retail sales didn’t have major improvement. Further more I believe foreclosure will continue to raise as more option ARM reset occurs. I am maintaining a major portion of cash in my portfolio and waiting for opportunity.


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